Direct Flights to Malaga from the United Kingdom

The following list shows which airlines fly from UK Airports to Malaga. If you click on an airline link, their website will open in a new window or tab. This list is useful because you don't have to wade through different comparison sites. Just go direct to the website of the airline that flies from the airport closest to your home.
Flights from Europe and Beyond Go Here
Airports: Birmingham, Blackpool, Bournemouth, Doncaster Sheffield, Bristol, Cardiff, London Luton, Leeds Bradford, London Stansted, London Gatwick, Liverpool, Manchester, Glasgow Prestwick, Belfast International, Exeter, Edinburgh, East Midland, Glasgow International, Newcastle.
Airlines: Aer Lingus, British Airways, easyJet, Flybe,, Monarch, Ryanair, TUI Flights, Jet2, Vueling
Who flies from a particular airport?
Belfast International - Aer
Lingus, TUI
Flights, easyJet, Vueling
Birmingham - Ryanair, Monarch, TUI
Flights, Vueling
Blackpool -
Bournemouth - TUI
Flights, Ryanair
Bristol - Ryanair, TUI
Flights, easyJet
Cardiff - TUI
Flights, Vueling
Doncaster Sheffield - TUI
East Midlands - Ryanair, TUI
Edinburgh - Ryanair, Flybe,
Exeter - Flybe
Glasgow International - easyJet, TUI
Glasgow Prestwick - Ryanair
Leeds Bradford - Ryanair,
Liverpool - Ryanair, easyJet
London Luton - easyJet, Monarch, TUI
London Stansted - Ryanair,
London Gatwick - Monarch, British
Airways, TUI
Aer Lingus, Vueling
Manchester - Monarch, ,,
TUI Flights , Vueling
Newcastle - easyJet,, TUI
The "gateway to the Costa del Sol" and birthplace of Picasso. Malaga recently honored their most famous resident by opening the Picasso Museum, which houses over 200 works by the revered artist. Malaga is a town rich in culture, history and nightlife. It has bustling tapas bars, traditional bodegas, smart town squares and shopping precincts. Malaga is full of vitality and fun. Enjoy one of the many festivals, fiestas and ferias that go on throughout the year. Sun, sea and sand - the local beaches have excellent facilities. There’s also a Moorish fortress and a Roman theatre to explore.
Marbella is the jewel of the Costa del Sol. It offers not only an International jet-set scene but also a typically Andalucian ambience. Why not come to Marbella. See the delights of Marbella